Sunday, April 6, 2008

Gorgeous Sunday

Hello everyone,

Today Mr. Sun came finally after weeks of cloudy and rains. Lot of Floodings. Dang. It was a Gorgeous day. I got up to walk around and look at flowers. Our Lilacs had bloomed. They smell great! Birds chasing other birds and making nests. Stealing trash bags to make their own nests. I thought that was so cute! Oh yes I saw Butterflies flying around. Not to forget bugs, ugh! I hate bugs! I know they are pests but we do need them in some ways.

Spring definitely had arrived here. Not that I am complaining because it is beautiful but yet I missed Winter already. I love Winter not because of snows. Winter is cold. I love the cold and I sleep better in Winter time for some reason unlike in summer time it is humidity and I just can't sleep well at night time. Honestly I am not looking forward to Summer coming. I better move to Northern states where it is mild summer/cold winter. LOL. Well it's a wishful thinking on my part. :(

Some of you know that I had Hysterecomy on March 18th to remove my uterus and right ovary due to women's problems. Right now I am going thru Menopause. So you can imagine what I am going thru, night sweats, hot flashes, and blotches on my face. I can say it is unpleasant but what can I say? I gotta deal with it and get thru it one day at a time. Ugh. At least I get to burn the pads and good riddance to them! LOL!

I have decided to stay with for good as I like the layout and everything compare to yahoo or myspace as I did have both blogs on both sites. Here is the link to my old yahoo blog. you can read back to the first blog I ever made on Yahoo. LOL. Enjoy Reading....

I hope you all have a great evening and Take care! :)

As always,
Ginger :)


Heather said...

Hi Ginger!!! It's me!!!

Good to see you here!!!

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