Friday, April 18, 2008

It's Friday!

Which mean TJ will be here for the weekend and I am so exciting as I really miss TJ so much. :) TGIF!!! heheh. Wanna sing with me- TGIF, TGIF... just kidding.. haha.

Today is blah. It's cloudy and it did rained earlier. Now it will get cold as the temperature will drop as the day go by but not much. It will be cold tonight 47 degrees. Sure feel great with that cool temperature perfect for me, haha! :P

This morning, I was supposed to go with TJ and his stepmother to Dentist but the semi truck overturned near Kilgore Cemetary. The bus didn't come till 8 AM to get Beth so she rescheduled the dentist appointment for next month.

TJ didn't want to be alone in the room while Michelle is with her son Christian in other room hence why I was suppose to be with him so he would feel comfortable not being alone.

Not that I blame him as I remember back to when I was young. I didn't like Dentist so I had to get my mom to come with me into the room so I won't be alone. haha! So anyway guess we gotta wait till next month ha. I am sure TJ is happy as he didn't get to go? LOL.

Hard to believe that the school is almost out for summer vacation. It was supposed to be May 22nd but with all of the Snow days last March. Now they said they have added 4 more made up days added to the calendar so it's May 29th for sure. TJ didn't like it so too bad, LOL.

Oh yeah my niece Lianna will graduate next month. I can't believe she has grown up into a beautiful young lady. She will go on to college this fall. I am so proud of her! :) Dang I remember back to when she was a baby. I was Senior in High school. Where did the time go? Too fast! Dang!

It made me think of the quote from the Movie- Hope Floats. This is perfect fitting to this.

Bernice: My dad says that childhood is the happiest time of my life, but...I think he's wrong. I think my mom's right. She says childhood...

Birdee: what you spend the REST of your life trying to overcome. That's what momma used to say. She said beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up...and it will too.

I so agree with the quote. Indeed the time go fast but just the middle that counts the most. :) Don't you agree? :)

I hope you have a Great weekend! :)

As always,
Ginger :)


Kath said...

Hi girl! Yes it's TGIF!! If you wanna read mine, give me your email so I can add you in. :o) Hope you are recovering well. It takes time, ya know? *HUGS!*

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