Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mommas out there!

I sure had a nice Mother's Day yesterday! I got 3 cards from my son. How sweet of him! Two cards were homemade and other one was a regular card. Beautiful and precious! I will always treasure it! :)

First let me tell you how my day was. My son and I went out to eat at Chinese Restaurant then afterwards we went to the park for a bit to work the calories off. After the park- we went to Wal-mart to get few things. Before we went home we went for a short and nice Sunday drive. Lot of fields were covered with bright yellow flowers so it was a beautiful and perfect day ... ahhh... Too bad I didn't have someone special beside my son to share the day with us. It would be nice. Sigh.

Finally we got home and started doing the sunflower gardens. TJ want more as there are 5 different places. Oh boy! hehe but it was fun still. ha! ... Now my arm is sore and I have blisters on my hand to pay for that! I didn't mind as it was fun to do it together.. heheh! In case you didn't know we always have sunflower gardens every year since TJ was 1. So it is our yearly project. :)

After a while we got hungry and I didn't want to cook dinner so I just pop in a pizza in the oven and it was delicious.. Yummy! Too bad the day had to end when TJ went home to his father's house as he have eye dr appointment in the morning. Dang! :(

This morning I woke up with sore right hand, sore right arm, sore back, and sore right leg. Weird.. I must be out of shape due to recent surgery. ha ha! I do know that I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand and tenditis in my right arm but back and leg? Must be that hard work with the pick ax tearing the ground up working the sunflower garden? But still it's weird. Ah no biggie deal. I will live.. ha! :P

Oh it was very cooler last night as it was 42 degrees. Good thing I didn't bring all of my plants out especially my tropical tree as it only can be above 45. Whew! Funny thing I went to bed cold so I had to get out my Spongebob Squarepants fleece pants and wear to bed. Ahh finally I was warm all night without waking up. :)

It's suppose to warm up to 75 degrees today. It's only 67 degrees right now. It's real nice. Another Gorgeous day.. perfect to go on the walk.. Anyone wanna join me and walk and enjoy the beautiful day? heh! :P

Have a great day ya'll! :)

As always,
Ginger :)


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