Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Not my day.... :(

It's only Tuesday... My mind is not thinking right, LOL. I guess due to not enough sleep the last couple of nights. I had to take TJ to Dentist yesterday morning but on the way. I got text from Michelle,TJ's stepmother said it is wrong day as it should be on 3rd. I was like grrrr.. so lucky I didn't go all way to Atkins instead I got off at Blackwell and went back home jeez! I was mad but what can I say? wasted my fking time! sigh.

Finally We went to Dentist appointment this morning on RIGHT day which is fking 3rd! ha ha whatever.. Anyway we went in and waited.. Finally TJ's name was called so we went to the room.. TJ said he is glad I am with him this time instead of his daddy or his stepmom. I was like that is so sweet. heh! Make my heart beam with pride! :)

Dentist came in and gave him 2 shots. I was like *oh my Goodness* I almost passed out but all along having to hold down TJ's legs. He didn't do well on that. Poor kid. The dentist did the job of fillings as he have cavity and pull one tooth out. After that they told him to go pick out a gift. He got a cobra snake stuffed animal. Yes it is his favorite. Believe it or not, ugh. haha.

Afterward the appointment, we went to walmart in Morrilton to do some shopping. I got him a package of Pokemon cards for being good at Dentist. He was so happy! :) We got home and TJ didn't feel well. I guess from reaction to gas or just been sick since last Sunday? I don't know. I hope he will feel better soon! :(

Anyway we got home and mom asked where is my stamps? I was like Oh I forgot, sorry. I told her TJ got me so damn distracted that I forgot to get few things. I guess today was not my day! :( grrr! I hope tomorrow will be a better day for me. I pray! ha! :)

TJ's birthday is coming up soon and I gotta get gifts for him. I haven't even started yet! LOL me bad but I know what he wanted so whew. heh :)

I hope all of you have a wonderful evening! :)

As always,
Ginger :)

~ Welcome to Petwarmers ~

Tamara offers us a wonderful story that takes its twists and
turns. You'll be on an emotional roller coaster with this one.
Thanks Tamara, and Kelly -- and a VERY lucky dog!


by Tamara Lafler

Three years ago, I met a wonderful person named Kelly under some
very dire circumstances.
We both had puppies born with hepatic shunts and, by chance, we
both were at CSU on the same date and time, seeking a medical miracle
for our little charges.
We were strangers in that big waiting room of people, but one in
heart. We became fast friends that day and have kept in contact
through the pain, joys, and loss of our little furry companions.
Kelly's dog Honey Bear, a little Corgi/Aussie cross rescue, had
her surgery the same week as my little Lucy the Schnauzer. By
horrific chance, both surgeries were unsuccessful. We both were
Kelly and I spent two very tearful years following a strict
regimen of medications and diet required to keep their livers going.
We gave them all the love we could and received back tenfold in
devotion from them. Honey Bear passed away December of 2006 and Lucy
passed away January 2007.
Then in the fall, Kelly and I both lost our senior dogs.
This is not meant to be a story of sadness, but rather a story
of friendship, kindness, and support.
Since the loss of our dogs, Kelly and I have remained in touch.
Kelly, busy with husband, four children, and fast paced job in the
city. Me, living in the country in western Nebraska, busy trying to
find homes for dogs who end up in dire straights.
I have sent many pictures to Kelly over the last year, hoping
one would catch her eye. While visiting the North Platte, Nebraska,
shelter, I walked by little one year old Rocky, an Aussie/Border
Collie mix. He and another dog had came into the shelter together,
surrendered by their owner. The other dog had been adopted right
away and Rocky was sitting there alone and very depressed.
Rocky, along with other dogs in the North Platte shelter, had
been passed over with no one interested in giving them a home or
taking them into rescue. The shelter was at capacity, so the dogs
were to be euthanized at 9am the following morning. Rocky was one of
the dogs on the schedule.
Staci B., working at the shelter, was kind enough to send
Rocky's picture to me. T he photo was sent on to Kelly that evening
when I returned home. I did not expect Rocky to be the dog for Kelly
-- he was many miles away and very different from Honey Bear. Kelly
and her family were still grieving and probably not yet ready to get
another dog. But I took a chance anyway.
Kelly opened the email at 10am the next day and fell in love
with a not so great picture of a waif of a dog, thinking he had
another day left. Late that morning, she emailed me that he would be
safe because he was the dog she was looking for -- she would adopt
him, and I was crushed.
It was too late!
I knew Rocky had until 9am that morning. I could not call Staci
that morning because I sat and cried instead -- for Rocky, myself,
Kelly, for Honey Bear, for Lucy, for all the dogs in shelters
By afternoon, I decided that I needed to tell Staci about it and
came to terms with yet another dog dying needlessly. I picked up the
phone, dialed the number, and lo and behold, by some small miracle,
Rocky was alive! He was on the schedule to go down that morning but
has mistakenly been overlooked. Staci did not know why.
To make a long story short, Rocky WAS adopted by Kelly and her
wonderful family. They paid for his boarding in Nebraska until they
could get the time to drive all the way from Denver, Colorado, to
pick him up on Saturday night.
Staci, like so many people in rescue, again went out of her way
to help Kelly's family pick up Rocky on a Saturday night, after hours.
On Kelly's trip home with Rocky, I got to see them again. We
both stopped at the rest area in Sterling, Colorado. It was late and
I was on my way back home from Denver transporting dogs. We hugged,
and cried, both in sadness and joy. I got lots of doggie kisses from
Rocky too. I would love to think that he was thanking me for helping
him find a place to hang his hat and that is what means the most.
Rocky now has a wonderful family who adore him. His new name is
Chance. Kelly told me that he is part Aussie and part Border Collie,
so therefore, Chance is made up of breeds from both dogs she lost --
the best of both.
People helping each other and the animals in need -- that's what
friendship and rescue are all about.

-- Tamara Lafler

Tamara says, "I am first and foremost a dog lover. I have a small
rescue called NSN in Sidney, Nebraska. I do my best to find homes
for dogs in need. Schnauzers are my first love but I try to help all


Kath said...

It was hard alright, but glad TJ made it through and for you, tomorrow is just another brand new day. :o)

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