Friday, July 18, 2008

Blue Friday.... blue and black ankle Again!

Good afternoon to all of you....

It's been crazy this week...What can I say? I am happy to report now that me and my sweetie worked things out. So all is good. Not just that but first I fell down Monday and sprained my ankle and this morning I fell down and sprained my same ankle and now it is VERY blue and black! It is throbbing.

It was getting better and I was getting handle of walking on it but now this again? Oh boy. I am such a klutz! No wonder I was voted Most Clumsy back in High school for two years in a row. LOL. Gotta love me, hehehe! :P

Not much of news around here but finally get to check emails and see what is up online. Now I gotta get off and go to town to do errands for my mom and my sister. So I hope all of you have a great weekend! :)

Take care and As always,
Ginger :)


Heather said...

oh man!! Gotta put ice on your ankle for 20 minutes and put feet up, and take Tylenol and then let me know in the morning.. I know it is painful. I went thru all the time and spraining my ankle all the time. I guess you and I have the weakest ankles!

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