Monday, July 28, 2008

Horrible Weekend..

It's been a horrible weekend. :( I got drunk last saturday- fell down and hit my head on right side. i got knocked out and they couldnt wake me up for long time. my right eye is swollen. Right Side of my head is throbbing. I went into a shock and threw up alots. i also had shakes. my sweetie had to keep me warm by holding me in his arms along with blanket. i cant keep anything down yesterday none at all. man it was not funny. I havent eaten for 2 days now. :eek3: I spent the whole day resting yesterday and today as well. I am still feeling horrible. i know for a fact that i do have concussion cuz i was knocked out and they culdnt wake me up for long time??? jeez i dont undy why they didnt call ambulance for me? sheesh! oh well.. if i am not feeling well by tmw.. i will go to dr and have check up on my brain to make sure im ok.... :(

I am not gonna go down the road again. i am too old for this. lol. :)


Kath said...

Wow sounds like alcohol poisoning?? Sheesh girl you're very, very lucky that nothing bad happened to you. They should have taken you to the hospital immediately. *smh* I'm glad you are alright, but how are you feeling now??

Ginger :) said...

no its not alcohol poisoning.. its concussion for sure. my right eye and the side of my face is swollen. my head hit something but what? chair, or floor? who knows. I dont actually remember what happened. Sunday i dont even remember what I did.. they said i slept on and off .. i went in the shock and my sweetie had to hold me in his arms to keep me warm. i dont remmy it either? i even managed to walk outside and sleep OUTSIDE for short time. my sweetie had to tell me to come back in. lol. heh. I dont even remember it? LOL. Finally I am feeling back to normal a bit.. despite stupid horrible headaches. no more throw up and shakes which is good news! whew! but i still have throbbing headaches..with rest and medicines i should be back to normal soon, I hope. :)


Heather said...

Oh man GINGER!!! I am glad you are okay. I guess you will have to stay away from alcohols, that will knock you down or harm you from getting hurt. You are lucky. I would go to doctor to be sure you don't have any swelling or serious injury in your brain or face or something.

Stay Sober... :-)


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