Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Pictures are up...

Hi everyone!

I went to Clinton, AR yesterday afternoon to meet a friend and we went out to eat at a restaurant. Afterward the dinner we went to the city park to look around. My friend asked if it's ok that he can take the pictures of me. I said sure go ahead. I think he had fun doing it. LOL. It was an awesome ending to the meeting. Beautiful sunset and a gorgeous day. What more could I ask for? heh! To think it's gonna rain all day and my friend said nah it won't. He was right about that. LOL! heh! I had a great time. :) I hope you will enjoy the pics. Here is the link to my photos. :)

Thank you sweetie for sending me the pictures. You are the best! :)

I hope all of you have a great night!
As always,
Ginger :)


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